We recognise our activities have an impact on the environment, particularly on our shoot days. We have put in place guidelines to minimise these impacts and to prevent pollution.
We have undergone the AdGreen training on reducing the environmental impact of productions and pay particular attention to travel and energy sources. We use the Adgreen carbon calculation from the beginning of a job and at the end of each production, where appropriate, we will fill in the carbon calculator.
Claire successfully passed the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership in Business Sustainability Management.
In our studio, we have invested in low-energy LED constant lights and the latest low-energy flash lights. We are aiming to phase out our tungsten lights by 2025.
We are in the process of planning the transition to generating our own solar energy in the studio.
Lighting and equipment in the studio are switched off when not required and heating controls accurately set.
On shoot days lighting and equipment is turned off when not used.
When out of our studio, we look for to keep our energy carbon footprint low by, for example, using battery generators and studios with LED lighting.
We communicate, invoice, do our banking and store documents electronically where we can.
We print only where 100% necessary.
Waste paper, card, plastics, metals, glass, batteries and ink cartridges are recycled using licensed waste carriers.
Stationary and scrap paper is re-used.
Call sheets and shot lists are electronic and not printed.
We avoid where possible single use plastics and disposables and encourage everyone to bring reusable water bottles on set.
We reuse, repurpose or recycle props and wardrobe.
We will try to use an existing location rather than a set build.
When on location we will always take our rubbish with us.
Our employees walk, cycle or get public transport to work.
We travel by public transport to meetings.
When we need to transport all our equipment to a job we will take as many crew as possible in the car to minimise the number of journeys required.
We will always try to work locally in Brighton but where this is not possible we attempt to select locations that are easily accessible to our crew and talent so they can walk or get public transport.
We select products made from recycled materials, including paper, tea-towels and glass jugs.
We encourage vegan food on our shoots.
Energy efficiency is a priority when purchasing electronic equipment.
Where possible we buy secondhand and will always sell equipment on when we have finished with it.